Saturday, October 1, 2011

DAY 7: cravings

Just four days of the drops and full hCG diet and I have lost TEN pounds! It's fantastic! What took me a month of dedicated gym time and portion control last April, I lost in less than a week! I hope this momentum keeps up! What's greater is that a few people have noticed and said they can tell I've lost weight and that my face has gotten smaller - THANK GOODNESS. :)

It's just getting easier. However, I am more quick to forget my drops before eating now. And although it has been easier to stay on track and eat the way I need to eat, there are definite urges and desires for certain food items. It takes A LOT of willpower to say NO and walk away from it. I was at my parent's house and there it was, a pizza box with two very large delicious slices of Sierra Gold's Gilroy pizza. OMG, the smell was tantalizing, intoxicating and almost broke me down. ALMOST. It took very part of my being to close the box and put it away. I immediately regretted opening the fridge in the first place.

What's really neat is that I definitely can't eat a lot at one time. I couldn't even finish my lunch again. Still had a few trees of broccoli and a small piece of chicken left. I wasn't completely disciplined today though and I'm very embarrassed. Well, more disappointed in myself. I know that it really wasn't bad, but I have been SO good this week with making sure that I didn't wane at all and then comes evil Saturday. I was hanging out with my nieces during the afternoon and of course, I had to feed them "real" food since they're only six and nine. I have been cooking dinner for the boyfriend the last couple of nights too and yes, the first night it was torturous, but after that I found my love for cooking again without being bitter. Yes, it doesn't help the whole "OMG I can't control myself around delicious food" thing, however I just love being around food and at least someone else can enjoy it. ANYWAY, so we made this delicious, healthy homemade granola and tomato chicken rigatoni. And, naturally, I had to taste it. I am being completely sarcastic; I really shouldn't have taken so many bites. Granted that I did forgo dinner because I knew I was munching on pasta and granola throughout the evening (I would roughly say five small bites of each, so I didn't go crazy). Ughh, I couldn't help myself! After one bite, it was really hard to resist another because it was SO YUMMY! It'll never happen again! What makes me feel even worse is that those were both filled with CARBOHYDRATES! My mortal enemy.

I knew it was going to cost me, so to make up for the mishap, I did a lot of toning prior to bed. Pilates-style core strengthening, leg lifts and crunches plus upper arm toning with three-pound weights. I mean, I really am going to get in the habit of doing these type of exercises every day anyway since I don't want flabby arms and a flabby stomach (I already have excess skin from the first time I lost a lot of weight). I wonder if that'll play into fat turning into muscle and getting in the way of losing a lot of weight, however I care more about how I look and feel, rather than the scale (although, I love watching the numbers go down!).

STATS: I currently weigh 240.0 pounds. I've lost a total of 10.0 pounds with 65.0 more to go!

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