Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DAY 4: the hump

7:38 am: I was afraid to step on the scale, but I knew it needed to be done. Down 3.2 pounds. It's not as satisfying or rewarding as I thought it would be. It has a lot to do with the fact that I typically fluctuate between these three pounds, so it could have just been another morning. I know that tomorrow's weigh-in should be more representative of my progress..or at least I hope.

12:35 pm: Hungry all morning. The green tea and apple didn't soften the pangs. I am behind on my second administration of drops and lunch since I was lazy and didn't get out of bed until after 11. Oh well.

9:38 pm: Today was hard. It was difficult to stay on track because I wasn't at work with a schedule. Staying in bed, having lunch late in the afternoon. I had a mishap with my countertop oven which delayed my meal even longer and I was pretty angry. It was definitely the hunger.

In better news, I ordered a pack of Miracle Noodles. These things are amazing - made from Konnyaku, a soluble fiber plant that I actually grew up eating. Some people can't get over the non-flavor and texture, but fortunately for me, I like it! So we'll see if I like these noodles. I also ordered Organic Low-Sodium Chicken Broth, multi-vitamins and a kitchen scale (I've been guessing). Everything will be coming tomorrow and Friday. However, I picked up one thing of Miracle Noodles and broth from Whole Foods to hold me over.

I'm really hoping tomorrow is easier. The hunger pangs are killing me. And I can't wait to see the results on the scale! Ughhh, I need to go to bed.

STATS: I currently weigh 246.8 pounds. I've lost a total of 3.2 pounds with 71.8 more to go!

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