Thursday, September 29, 2011

DAY 5: miracle noodles

9:46 am: I can't believe I lost 4.8 pounds today!!! It definitely makes the hunger pangs before bed worth it. Is it weird that I'm still skeptical? Even though it's happening to me and I see the numbers on the scale, I'm in disbelief. I don't think I will be completely satisfied until the end of the week. I've never been one to weigh myself every day since I know fluctuations are typical, however I know that I need to with this particular diet. Therefore, when I weigh myself next Sunday, I will certainly know the results are real.

I do feel really strange right now though. I'm pretty sure it's hunger, but it's unlike the last two days. I do feel a little weak. My energy is still the same, but I do feel kinda wobbly.

11:50 pm: It amazingly gets easier. Plus, the Miracle Noodles have been PHENOMENAL! Extremely filling with endless possibilities. It's hilarious because the only similarity it has to actual noodles is its shape, nothing else. However, it psychologically makes me feel like I'm eating noodles (or more essentially, a starch) and is filling with me with nutritious fiber. It's a winning relationship all around. I had a pack during lunch and dinner (thankfully, my shipment from Amazon only took a day!) and I couldn't even finish my meal both times! A meal that was less than 200 calories - COULD. NOT. FINISH. By the way, the noodles are not the tastiest things on earth and pretty darn expensive, but for zero calories and a FREE food? YES PLEASE. As I was saying though, it hasn't been as difficult as it was the first couple days. Although I still constantly feel hungry. A lot could do with the fact that I haven't been eating my whole meals and I probably should eat more, but I'm simply TOO LAZY.

I have been salivating over food photos..mostly my own. It made me want everything - hamburgers, fries, fries covered with cheese, sandwiches, fried rice. DROOOOL. However, it also made me realize that I have been eating so terribly in the last year! TERRIBLY!! It should have been no surprise to me that I've gained so much weight. I never used to eat like this and at this frequency. I have been eating bad food too often. Overindulging. I've been horrible. No more!

STATS: I currently weigh 242.0 pounds. I've lost a total of 8.0 pounds with 67.0 more to go!

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