Sunday, September 25, 2011

DAY 1: loading

It's harder than you would think. It's nearly painful. Forcing yourself to eat and binge. Eating the foods that you really enjoy and usually can't enjoy, now being shoved down your throat. Just had two crunchy tacos from Taco Bell WITH cheese, something I haven't done since 2007. It was delicious, but after 20+ ounces of steak and a large potato for lunch, it was only slightly enjoyable. I even had a can of Sprite and a bottle of Gatorade, two other items I rarely consume. Earlier today when my blood sugar was probably very low and I could have eaten an entire cow, binging on my favorite fatty food seemed like heaven. I was ecstatic. I was daydreaming about how I would eat this and then eat that. All with a big grin on my face. Yeah, it has only been six hours and I want to stop eating.

The drops are very managable. When I first smelled it, I was reminded that I have a difficult time being near any type of cough or oral medication (Tums, even Pedialyte). However, once the initial sting of the active alcohol in the drops wears off, it almost has a bit of a fruity aroma. Plus, most of the formula absorbs under your tongue before any of your taste buds touches it. I did find that you need a mirror to see the drops since it's hard to tell what you're dispersing based merely on feeling.

Next, I'm on my way to eat delicious, fatty pizza. My theory is that you'll be so sick of having to eat ALL this food in the first two days that you don't even want to be anywhere near it while you're on the diet. It's all psychological. It has even convinced me that if you "load up" properly, the first couple days with the 500 calories will be easier. At least I'm hoping!

My choice of poison was Sierra Gold's Gilroy pizza. It would have been so delicious had I not been so full. I also had a few strands of curly fries with ranch. Fat on top of fat with a side of fat. Blehhh, I feel pretty disgusting haha. No worries though, I had water. I couldn't do another soda. This isn't me.

Right now I don't feel so hot, but I'm sure it's the "meat sweats" and probably the fact that it's also 85+ degrees on an autumn evening. Gag. Here's to another loading day tomorrow.

STATS: I currently weigh 250 pounds. I have 75 pounds to lose to get to my goal of 175. :)

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